Thu, Mar 21

DSGN 3100: Interface

Today's objectives


Invisible Cities

Invisible Cities

Metaphor assignment

Metaphor assignment

Semiotics of the City

Semiotics of the City


Otamatone video
Magic Cap video - using a strong metaphor on a screen


Tonies: a non-screen based interface


Assignment 7: Metaphor and Interface

Choose an interface for a hardware device, such as an appliance, vehicle, tool or other reasonably complex device (not a piece of software running on a computer, phone, etc.). Traditional screen-based graphical user interfaces are not acceptable as topics. Re-design the interface using a strong metaphor (or metaphors.) The metaphor should be new, unconventional but still help explain and inform the interface. It's a good idea to run your proposed idea by me first.

Create a 1-page (no title page, etc), landscape-format document depicting the interface. This is not a visual design exercise, but an exercise in communicating a concept. You may use sketches, diagrams, precedent image or text, in any combination. The goal is to communicate your concept clearly. Include a title, and your name. Make sure your document supports and explains your concept.

Note your metaphor in the notation used by George Lakoff, that is: ARGUMENT IS WAR

Simply creating new visual elements such as icons is not acceptable.

Keep in mind

  • Interface is the key here - not appearance.
  • Include as many entailments as possible - strong metaphors have multiple entailments.
  • Refer back to the metaphor and user interface reading for background on interface metaphors. If "DATA is a DOCUMENT" your concept will be "YOUR DEVICE is SOMETHING ORIGINAL YOU CHOOSE"
  • Your work must be original, and of your own making. Use of AI or generative machine learning tools is not permitted for this assignment. Ask if you are unsure.
  • If you use precedent, or incorporate the work of others in your concept, cite your sources.

Be prepared to present your concept in class, focusing on the metaphor.

Due: 6PM, Wed, Mar 27. Upload the PDF file to Brightspace.

Name the file: YOURLASTNAME_DSGN3100_Assign9.PDF

Late assignment penalties

For this assignment, late submissions will be penalized at 10% of the total mark (that is, if an assignment is graded out of 10, you will lose 1 point per day, starting on the due date.)

A 1-hour grace period after the assignment due time will be given to avoid any technical issues related to internet speed resulting in late assignment penalties.

The best approach, however, is to submit work early.