NSCAD class knowledgebase

A somewhat arbitrary collection of resources, gotchas and how-tos.

Here's where you will find notes about software, tools and techniques. For class-specific material, like assignments, check the class website. Find a mistake here? Let me know at rcurrie@nscad.ca - there's always the chance of earning some class mark points if you can show me where I've goofed up.

Select topics from the navigation on the left.

Getting your computer set up for class

  • You'll want to be able to see all file extensions.

  • Have a backup plan. All systems eventually fail - the only way to avoid catastrophe is to have multiple copies of your data - in other words, reliable data backup.

    • Have a local backup - on a Mac, Time Machine is best.
    • Also have a remote backup - I recommend Backblaze.
    • Don't assume you'll remember to manually copy files to a backup, or that tools like iCloud or Google Docs are replacement for a proper backup system. Good backup systems are automatic.
    • As a student and designer, you are responsible for safeguarding your own work. Your work is valuable - invest some time and money into keeping it safe.
    • How will you restore your backup if there is a failure? How will you know your backup system is working?
  • Consider turning off automatic updates in the Adobe Creative Could suite. Changing to a new version of software in mid-class is rarely a good idea. Wait for between terms to update.

  • If you want your computer to work, treat it as a work computer. Huge amounts of downloaded media (like videos), software you don't have licences for, fonts that you don't the right to use and other junk are likely to cause problems. Ruthlessly delete stuff you know you don't need.